AnimKey: TweenObject


An AnimKey is basically a data value for a keyframe. It can store any kind of value for any kind of property. You can pass in an easing function to define how the property will be tweened (if easing is enabled for the animation).



stopTime : Number

The time at which the keyframe will end.



constructor (obj : String, startTime : Number, stopTime : Number, property : Number, value : Number, [easing])

A quite complex key for a frame. Actually, it is not a single frame but rather a duration in time between startTime and stopTime.

  • obj: the actor name upon we will do things
  • startTime: the time at which this key will start
  • stopTime: the time at which this key will stop (if easing)
  • property: what we will be changing. String, since this is a name too.
  • value: the destination value the property will have. This has to match the actual property type you target.
  • easing: any easing function to use (if easing). Check Utils.